Thanksgiving is just a few days away and you know what that means: turkey sandwiches and binge watching shows on Netflix on Friday! So you might want to pop on a favorite Friends Thanksgiving, episode, maybe the one about Ross’s sandwich, The Moistmaker, and use your turkey leftovers to make a Moistmaker sandwich of your own! First, let’s get this one thing out of the way: moist. Moist, moist, moist! I have no problems with the word. You know what word I hate? Broads. I hate when people refer to women as “broads.” I actually got up from a table and left a date because he referred to women as “broads.” But moist? We want things to be moist. So get over it and embrace the word!
Ok, back to the sandwich! I threw a Friends-themed Friendsgiving party and of course I had to use the leftovers to make a Moistmaker sandwich the next day.
Most fans think of the sandwich as Ross’s sandwich, but it’s really Monica’s recipe – her secret recipe is that she puts an extra slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle of the sandwich. Ross calls it the Moistmaker. We never actually see the sandwich, but we get to hear Ross yell when his boss takes the sandwich and eats it.
Since there’s no real recipe, aside from the Moistmaker, I simply put together a turkey sandwich made from the leftover turkey, added some mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce (or Chanberry Sauce), and lettuce between two toasted pieces of bread (I put a little bit of gravy on the insides of them, too!), and, of course, the gravy-soaked Moistmaker. We were out of stuffing, or else I would have added stuffing, too! And if you have stuffing, you should! Just pile it all in there!
It’s a messy sandwich, so if you make sure you grab a napkin!
Which Friends Thanksgiving Episode is your favorite? The Moistmaker? The one with Brad Pitt? The one with all the Thanksgivings? Let me know in a comment below!