Did you manage to score tickets to the Museum of Ice Cream? It seems to be the HOT ticket in town and is currently SOLD OUT! So, if you did manage to snag tickets, and you’re looking for some spoilers, you’ve come to the right place, but don’t worry, I’m not sharing everything. And if you aren’t able to visit the Museum of Ice Cream, but want to live vicariously through me, well, here we go!The museum is located in Downtown Los Angeles in the LA Arts District, so if you’re going, give yourself some extra time to explore the nighborhood, check out all the murals, have pizza across the street at Tony’s, or go grab lunch at Bottega Louie, etc. There’s valet parking available through the Museum of Ice Cream for $6, but we parked maybe 1 walking minute further down the street in a $3/all day lot.
The Museum of Ice Cream isn’t exactly a history museum or an art museum, it’s more of an interactive, have your iPhone and Instagram ready, type museum. It’s filled with photogenic backgrounds and intertactive “art.” You enter the museum through a replica of “that pink door” and go into a room full of pink telephones.
See what I mean? This is a place to go if you want to take photos and eat ice cream! The next room is where you can first sample ice cream. Each week, the McConnal’s ice cream flavor will change. It also has a couple of fab walls and even a trampoline for those jumping shots!
Then you can venture into the banana split room. Be sure to get a Boomarang on the banana swings and smell the banana wallpaper!
If you’re still hungry, you can grab a mint chocolate mochi and see the experimental chocolate mint growing room. That’s mint growing in cacao bits. Give it a sniff! It smells delicious!
There are so many fun rooms! They did such a great job laying out the museum with so many fun, interactive elements. You can take as long as you wish in each room, but you can only move forward through the museum, not back.
And then last, but certainly not least, is the Sprinkle Pool. It’s seriously everything you would think it would be, and more! It’s a sprinkle heaven. Be sure to follow the Sprinkle Pool Rules! “No diving, no splashing, no eating the sprinkles, no lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk … build things you dream of.”
We’re still finding errant sprinkles throughout the house.
Your last taste test is a delicious pancake ice cream sandwich! This was my favorite. Maybe because it was pink. Maybe because it’s breakfast and dessert all mixed together. But probably because it was delicious! And then, of course, you exit through the adorable gift shop.
As I said, tickets are sold out, but be sure to follow the Museum of Ice Cream on Instagram just in case they decide to extend their dates and sell more tickets. You can also find some tickets on Craigslist. I can’t wait to see your Sprinkle Pool photos!
Thursday 4th of May 2017
The sprinkle pool is like a ball pit for adults! I want one in my apartment.
Wednesday 3rd of May 2017
How fun is this?! My new favorite photo of you is in the popsicle room!
Wednesday 3rd of May 2017
I want to go there. I hope it turns into a traveling museum.